
Aside from the ManiaControl core, plugins provide you and your guests with all sorts of functions. These can variate from pure functional (chat commands, karma, etc.) to complete fun. Certain plugins are written by ManiaControl Team, but you'll also find community-made plugins in this overview! And when you can't find a plugin you need, you can even create your own one!

ID Name Author Version Description
1 Widgets Plugin MC-Team 0.1 Plugin offering some basic Widgets with Information about the Server.
2 Karma Plugin MC-Team 0.1 Plugin offering Karma Voting for Maps.
3 Donation Plugin MC-Team 0.1 Plugin offering Commands and Widgets for Donations and Payouts.
4 Chat Message Plugin MC-Team 0.1 Plugin providing several Commands for Chat Messages like Responses and Emotions.
5 Custom Votes Plugin MC-Team 0.1 Plugin offering custom Votes like Restart, Skip, Balance etc.
6 Server Ranking Plugin MC-Team 0.1 Plugin offering a Server Ranking by an average built from Points, Kill/Death Ratio, Shot Accuracy or Records.
7 Local Records Plugin MC-Team 0.2 Plugin offering tracking of Local Records and ManiaLinks to display them.
8 Dedimania Plugin MC-Team 0.1 Plugin offering Dedimania Records Tracking and a Widget.
20 CheckpointsWidget Chris92 1.02 Plugin offers a Checkpoint Counter, inspired by RecordsEyepiece for XAseco.
21 Dynamic Point Limit Plugin MC-Team 0.3 Plugin offering a dynamic point limit according to the amount of players on the server.
22 Queue TheM 0.15 Plugin offers the known AutoQueue/SpecJam options.
23 TeamSpeak TheM 0.13 Plugin offers a connection with a TeamSpeak server (via widgets).
24 Obstacle Plugin smokegun 0.6 Plugin offering CP Jumping and Local Records Support for the ShootMania Gamemode 'Obstacle'.
25 Endurance Plugin steeffeen 0.2 Plugin enabling Support for the TM Game Mode 'Endurance' by TGYoshi.
31 Customize QuitMessage Chris92 0.1 Allows easy customizing of the screen shows when trying to quit a server.
32 Records Widget Chris92 & TheM 1.174 Replaces default widgets for Local Records & Dedimania with more powerful ones.
33 ScriptLoader TGYoshi 6 The ScriptLoader plugin can reload the current script (useful for development) or load other scripts by issuing commands. Requires the controller to have access to the UserData directory.
34 Personal Messages TGYoshi 5 Adds three commands (and a supportive interface) to communicate through personal messages.
35 WhoKarma TheM 0.11 Plugin provides an overview of who voted what.
36 InfoWidgets Chris92 & TheM 1.053 Plugin which replaces ManiaControl's default Info Widgets with more powerful and better looking ones.
37 Logo Sen-Sai 1.13 Lets you put your team/server logo on screen
45 Loadscreens Sen-Sai 1.56 Lets you show a loading screen when switching maps. Takes either a .png, .jpg or a .xml file with a list of url's to images for random loadingscreens. XML example :
51 Auto Shutdown Plugin steeffeen 0.2 Plugin shutting down your Server when it's empty to restart it every few days. You need an automatic Restart Mechanism to use this Plugin.
55 Promote Sen-sai 1.26 Plugin to display up to ten promotional (chat-)messages either randomly or in order using a customizable interval. forum :
58 Special Welcome Toffe 1.3 Welcomes every player and Admin/Operator with customizable messages.
61 ChatMessageEXTPlugin Sen-Sai 1.52 Extends the default chatmessage commands plugin. Usage :
64 Infection mewin 0.1 Adds functionallity for the Infection game mode.
65 FastButtons mewin 0.1 Adds buttons that let you execute actions for the player you are currently spectating
66 ObsMania Plugin MarlburroW 1.54 ObsMania connects your server to a centralized database of obstacle records
68 EliteX Sen-sai 1.51 Add round information during gameplay. More info here :
70 Sound Events Manager Lumpik 1.1 Play sounds on triggers, such as kills, begin of rounds, off-zone, etc...
77 Bookkeeping XeRoX 0.34 Logs every Planet transaction on the server
78 Bets XeRoX 0.325 [SIEGE ONLY] Bet on how many poles will be captured and win Planets
79 MapCleaner XeRoX 0.11 none (yet)
96 ObsMania Sprint Live Ranking MarlburroW 0.3 Display a live ranking widget for the sprint mode (by Guerro)
97 ObsMania Sprint Round Live Ranking MarlburroW 0.3 Display a round live ranking widget for the sprint mode (by Guerro)
99 SyncParagonMappacks Jocy 0.6 Snycs the maps with the pL Mappacks
102 Profanity Filter Reaby 0.2 Provides custom coloring, ability to disable public chatting (others than admins) and a profanity filter (word list by Shutterstock)
108 Message Widget Plugin jonthekiller 1.52 A simple widget to show a message to all players
111 Checkpoints Live Widget jonthekiller 2 Display a widget to show the Checkpoints Live information for Rounds/Team/Cup mode
114 GRSoundsElite Sen-Sai 0.9 On request plugin that uses souds on a defender hattrick, start of round, over 50 meter shots and attacker shooting defender rockets. All sounds can be turned on or off. Based on the Glimratten soundbox plugin. More info :
115 LocalRecordsCPLivePlugin jonthekiller, Jaka Vrhovec 2 Display gap times between Top 1, player Top stores inside LocalRecords database and also Top 1 Dedimania
116 Live Race Widget Châpelier 0.5 Display live cptimes. Click on a player name to switch to spectator mode and follow him, press DEL to switch back on player mode.
119 MatchPlugin jonthekiller 0.92 Plugin delivering matchs management in TA/Rounds/Cup/Laps/Team (BETA STAGE!)
120 Team Score Plugin Jaka Vrhovec 1.31 Plugin offering Team scores and player individual scores
121 Statistics Plugin Jaka Vrhovec, hpD-orso 1 Plugin offering best and average times over some period of time
123 Pay for replay skip plugin Jaka Vrhovec 1.3 Pay planets for replaying or skipping the map
125 KnockOut Plugin jonthekiller 0.36 Plugin offers KnockOut match (Last man standing)
127 MatchWidgetPlugin jonthekiller 2 Widget to show Match score
130 ModerationSyncPlugin jonthekiller 0.92 Plugin to synchronize the ignore and ban list between servers
132 ExtendedServerRankingPlugin Ranig 5 Provides additional tools for server ranking and local records (requires ServerRankingPlugin and LocalRecordsPlugin to be activated!)
133 AdminToolsPlugin axelalex2 20.04 Plugin offers additional Commands for Administrators
134 ChatTimerWidgetPlugin axelalex2 20.01 Plugin offers a widget for a ChatTimer
135 WhitelistPlugin axelalex2 20.01 Plugin offers a Whitelist, which only lets certain people join (original by hbarney for Xaseco)
137 KickIdlePlayersPlugin Ranig 3 Kick players that remain idle for too long
138 WinnerPaymentPlugin Ranig 3 Pay Planets to winners at the end of each race
139 LotteryPlugin Ranig 4 Pay Planets to a random player at the end of each race
140 ForceModPlugin Ranig 3 Force the mod of the next map (single environment only!)
141 AdjustablePayReplaySkipPlugin Ranig 1 Pay planets for replaying or skipping the map
142 MapTimePlugin crimplene 0.2 Allows to set individual play times for maps/tracks. For help type "//thelp" after installation. Not tested with Trackmania but probably works with TM too.
146 Guest Plugin (Not working) LeGmask 0.2 allows you to add guest who will not earn points in cup / round mode (alpha stage)
149 XpSoundsElite Jeff 0.82 playing sounds
150 ScriptLoaderNext jonthekiller 1.1 Scriptloader plugin done by TGYoshi with TM2020 compatibility (Nadeo gamemodes only)
151 DeveloperToolsPlugin axelalex2 20.05 (WARNING: dangerous plugin, only use, if you know what you are doing!) Enables a simple command for direct XMLRPC-access to the server
152 MatchManager Core Beu 5.4 [TM2020 Only] Plugin that helps you to create and manage a match on all official gamemodes
153 MatchManager Widget Beu 1.7 [TM2020 Only] Plugin that displays the Live Match widget for Cup/Teams/Rounds modes (require MatchManager Core)
154 Guestlist Manager Beu 1.3 Tool to manage the Guestlist
155 ChatAdminColorer Beu 1 [TM2020 Only] A simple plugin that colors the admin logins in the chat
156 MatchManager GSheet Beu 2.1 [TM2020 Only] Plugin that exports round data to Google Sheet
157 Simple Skins Remover Beu 1 [TM2020 Only] Allows to disable skins very easily, manually or automatically depending on the number of players on the server
158 MatchManager Ready Button Beu 1.4 [TM2020 Only] Add a button for players to get ready and start the match automatically
159 MatchManager Players Pause Beu 1.4 [TM2020 Only] Add a button for players to launch a pause if needed
161 SimpleChatColorer Beu 1.2 [TM2020 Only] A simple plugin that colors the players logins in the chat
163 Nicknames Greep 1 Set a custom nickname, Better Chat Compatible
164 MoreModesTools Beu 1.1 [TM2020 Only] Add some commands to send Pause, End Round, End WU,...
165 ReloadDevTool Beu 1.1 [DEV ONLY] Simple plugin to reload gamemode or maniacontrol with F5
168 Royal Plugin Dog 0.22 Basic Royal mode support.
170 YoxCup Ankou 0.98 Cup manager with YoxApi
171 MatchManager Multiple Config Manager Beu 1.4 [TM2020 Only] Manage your multiple MatchManager configurations
172 MatchManager Automatic Launcher Beu 1.1 [TM2020 Only] Automatic launch matches with timestamps
173 AutoQueuePlugin Ranig 1 Autojuke and autoqueue based on local records functionalities
174 MatchManager Admin UI Beu 1.2 [TM2020 Only] A small UI for admins
180 [TM2020] Royal Plugin Dog 1.02 start custom royal games
185 VetoManager Ankou 1.2 Plugin to manage your map veto/draft (github :
187 AFK Notifier Beu 1 [TM2020 only] Notify in the chat that a player has been kicked by the official AFK library
191 GameModeLoader Beu 1 Simple plugin to load any mode with the command //mode
196 RandomMap Ankou 1 Put a random map in the queue and skip to the next map
203 OpenplanetDetector Beu 1 Detect Openplanet and allow to force as spec and kick players
208 AutomaticMapSwitcher Beu 1 Automatic change map based on timestamp
209 ChatMessageOnConnect Ankou 0.1 Display a message to the player when he connects to the server